MooIRCd Portable - take your #moo to go!
Yep, after goofing around with it for more than a week, I've finally decided to beta test MooIRCd Portable - a brand new service that lets you hang out on #moo from any web-enabled device that's capable of displaying HTML. We've been playing with it on our Sony PSPs, but it should work with varying degrees of success on just about anything from cellular phones, to locked down tight PCs (we're planning on trying it on some airport kiosk terminals too!
Getting there is simple. Simply point your browser (in whatever form) at, pick the closest matching skin from the dropdown box, type in a name, and click go. If your device supports meta refresh tags and inline frames, just start talkin'. If it doesn't, and it wasn't explicitly mentioned in the list of devices, then we'll have to do some voodoo. Drop by #moo on sometime from a real irc client and give us the particulars about the device you wanna use, and we'll work in support.
A few things to note: so we don't have a flood of idlers from people who're just testing things, sessions time out rather quickly: 60 seconds in fact. That means that if your browser stops obeying the meta refresh tag for longer than 60 seconds, you'll be booted off to make room for new users. On Playstation Portables, this means if you spend longer than 60 seconds in the edit box, it's over. We're working on ways around this gotcha, but for now it's what has to happen.
Enjoy, and please address all comments to fwaggle.